Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Still confused about movies!

Me and my pancake eatin' buddies are back and we are still scratching our heads.

Jeb thought that The Good German was the German language translation of the film The Good. "I can't speak German, since I didn't fight in the World War," he said nailing his hand to the plate.

Jebby thought that How To Eat Fried Worms is a title missing a comma about a man who addresses an anorexic character named "Fried Worms," instructing him to eat. "Fried Worms is gonna die if he doesn't learn how to eat a taco salad," he said, failing to eat his taco salad.

Jebediah thought Pan's Labyrinth was the David Bowie film Labyrinth acted by animated frying pans. "I like how those pans hit each other in the head with a frying pan," he said, slowly dying since he forgot how to breathe.

I think that The Pursuit of Happyness is a movie about hunting and killing a joyful Lock Ness Monster. I refuse to believe otherwise.

We were confused before!

The police are here and plan to beat us severely after we finish our griddle cakes.

Photo by Jon Gos

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Clown vs. Wolf is an exploration on why, when a clown and wolf fight, it is always the wolf that wins. This is universally true, even when clown is a Germanic Knife and Poison Clown - the deadliest Clown known to man.