Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Why are there so many Super Villains these days?

In 1990, there was one Super Villain for every 135,000 Americans. In 2006, there is one Super Villain for every nine Americans. Why the surge?

Turns out there has been a major restructuring the policies of Hell. Normally, when a person dies he is subjected to an afterlife of torment (e.g. peeling off skin, hot pokers, stress positions). Basically it's Git-Mo times two!

But when Dr. Insani-Fear died, Satan designed a special hell just for him. Dr. Insani-Fear's worst 'insane fear' was to be "Completely normal!" So Satan made him a Hell where he had a nice looking wife and kids in the suburbs. Satan thought this was such a good idea that he made this the Hell that all Super Villains go to when they die.

Once this was posted on the Internet, all heck (excuse me) broke loose! People who normally would never turn to a life of Super Crime now understand that they can get rich in the present, torment the totally annoying Fantastic Four as a bonus, and then get a pretty sweet eternity. They are even more reckless with their life for some reason!

Please sign a petition to Satan demanding he creates an equal tormenting afterlife for all. No special treatment for Magneto, Thanos, and Superboy Prime!

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Clown vs. Wolf is an exploration on why, when a clown and wolf fight, it is always the wolf that wins. This is universally true, even when clown is a Germanic Knife and Poison Clown - the deadliest Clown known to man.