Tuesday, December 5, 2006

I Changed My Name to Tiger Woods and The Checks Are Rolling In!

Guest Essay by C. Thomas Howell

With my career on the skids, I discovered a great new source of income. I have changed my name to Tiger Woods, and now the checks keep coming. Why? By exploting a little-known loophole in the sports marketing system.

Here is how it works.

a) Change your name to a famous golfer (sorry, I call Tiger's name, but maybe you could have Davis Love III?)
b) When it is time for sports marketing companies to issue checks, they do not access a "rolodex." Instead they simply do an "internet" search on the address of their client. (e.g. Google "Tiger Wood's Address")
c) Do a "googlebomb" on your address, raising it on Google above the real Tiger's.
d) The checks come to your house, instead of Tigers!

Is it illegal? Only if you are not a golfer. So to close this loophole, go in your backyard and take 3-4 practive swings with a club everyday.

I have so much extra cash these days I am self-financing my next film, Soul Man Meets the Hitcher!

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Clown vs. Wolf is an exploration on why, when a clown and wolf fight, it is always the wolf that wins. This is universally true, even when clown is a Germanic Knife and Poison Clown - the deadliest Clown known to man.