Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Top Five Films in which Someone Hides a Rock in Uncooked Beef

This is a classic genre, smart and funny. There are probably hundreds of good films... so hard to cut the list down to five. But here goes!

5) Gone a-Stone Hidin! This hillbilly caper's most famous scene involves spelunking a skipping stone into a pile of ground chuck.

4) James Franco's Hot Rock Beef Injection Basically a Cinemax skin flick, but it has James Franco in it. And it is totally hot! The rock is ignatious; the meat, ironically, is sirloin.

3) Regis and Kelly, the Movie Kelly Rippa has to hide the Hope Diamond before the Terrorists get it... into Regis' uncooked brisket!

2) Andy Warhol's Meat the Stones Warhol's only entree into romantic comedy is a 35 hour film of a man with a rock... thing... having relations with a beef woman. It is tastefully done and easily earned its PG rating.

1) I guess there are only four movies where this happens. Less than I thought. Sorry.


Anonymous said...

The late 1980s saw a wave of so-called meat-rock ghost caper films produced in Hong Kong.

Anonymous said...

Is "ignatious" the rock's name? Or did you mean "igneous"?

Greg Rice said...

I meant Ignatious, in a homage to "Confederancy of Dunces."

Our Mission

Clown vs. Wolf is an exploration on why, when a clown and wolf fight, it is always the wolf that wins. This is universally true, even when clown is a Germanic Knife and Poison Clown - the deadliest Clown known to man.