Thursday, February 8, 2007

The Toronto Raptors: finally embarassed about the name

The Toronto Raptors issued this statement Wednesday evening.

We acknowledge that our franchise name of "Raptors," which was coined at the height of Jurassic Park-fever, is today totally lame.

While the effects seemed amazing in 1993, today they seem a bit tired. Not that much better than Dino De Laurentiis' King Kong remake, if you ask us.

We can't help but think that if we had named our franchise right after Return of the Jedi, we would be called the "Toronto Ewoks."

We plan on changing our name soon to fix this error. The two leading contenders are the "Toronto Jack Sparrows" or the "Toronto Nights (at the Museum)."

I'm glad for the mea culpa. However, this blatant attempt at movie tie-in sports franchises is not the worst offense in sports history. That distinction goes to the NHL farm team called the "St. Louis Last Starfighters."

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