Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Ray Suarez: Cluster of Evil Insects?

The blogosphere is a nice place to find out interesting information. For example here is some "TV Trivia" I leared about NPR host and News Hour fill-in Ray Suarez.

Ray Suarez is not a human, but rather a cluster of insects born of the devil himself. If you ask Mr. Suarez to support our troops, he will swarm you with deadly bites.

His fill-in News Hour moderation of Shields and Brooks clearly favors Shields, and he vomits on his food before consuming it.

DDT does not work on him, nor does White House Press Secretary Tony Snow.

The source for this funny, clever news is The Coalition of Family Focus Hertigage Values, the Christian extreme right wing arm of Fox News and that Drudge guy.


Anonymous said...

Suarez is crafty, to be sure. I remember back when he worked for the NBC affiliate in Chicago. He did A LOT of stories on termites in high-rises. They were couched as exposes -- you know, kind of an Investigative Unit thing -- but I always suspected that something more was going on. Why? Because the pieces typically ended with a softball interview with one of the termites. And the "two-shot" was always of a nodding, VERY sympathetic-seeming Suarez.

Now we know that it wasn't sympathy; it was empathy. Goddamn it. This "journalist" has been a bug all along. Thanks, Clown v. Wolf, for "shining a light" on this situation.

Terry O'Hallorahanan
Chicago Citizens for Fair Media and Easier Access to Snubnose .38's

Greg Rice said...

Can you get me one of those snub nose .38 with the serial number filed off?

I have to... shoot a deer?

Our Mission

Clown vs. Wolf is an exploration on why, when a clown and wolf fight, it is always the wolf that wins. This is universally true, even when clown is a Germanic Knife and Poison Clown - the deadliest Clown known to man.