Monday, March 19, 2007

The Different Flavors of Videodrome

Wayne Cheeze pointed out that there are many flavors of Videodrome these days, since this is the era of Web 2.0 and all.

We all know the "Classic" version of Videodrome, still available on most of your cable providers, which features James Woods giving Debby Harry cigarette burns. Watch it enough and you see a fleshy VHS cassette slot grow in your chest. (Yes, I know! VHS! What's the matter Videodrome? Can't scrape up the bucks to upgrade to fleshy DVD or god forbid fleshy Blu-Ray!)

Did you know that Videodrome comes in other flavors?

Cherry Videodrome: Debby Harry's hair is dyed red. Your nose starts to smell cherry stuff until it falls off.

Grape Videodrome: See Videodrome, Cherry. Notable exception, James Woods' hair is purple and you smell grape instead of cherry.

David Allan Greer Videodrome: The excitable actor is burned with cigarettes by Damon Wayans. Marlon and Keenan are freaked out and will not participate.

Mustached Blonde Man Videodrome: You think he is some kind of hillbilly, and he often is. Do not watch this Videodrome, 'cause there is some sick crap coming up.

David Lynch Videodrome: All is quite normal and kind.

Videodrome is Burning: Jim Rome takes calls from Raider Fans all while he is nude, chained, and beaten. For once, you do not find him insufferable.

For old times sake, I'll now reach into the VCR slot in my chest… Hey, that's where my copy of Running Scared went!


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Clown vs. Wolf is an exploration on why, when a clown and wolf fight, it is always the wolf that wins. This is universally true, even when clown is a Germanic Knife and Poison Clown - the deadliest Clown known to man.