Friday, February 23, 2007

Here is the latest Ziggy

Here is a funny little story about today's Ziggy comic strip.

The original text of this was "Suicide Hotline." And the woman said: "I never thought I'd be telling anyone this, but I think you're better off doing it."

Ziggy creator Tom Wilson is going through a rough patch right now.

After receiving the strip, the editors changed the text to its current version.


Anonymous said...

Seriously, though. There are very few airline seats that can accomodate Zigmond's unique physique.

Anonymous said...

He wears the same blue "easy entry" gown as a morbidly obese schizophrenic woman I know. She stands near the Coinstar machine at Kroger and asks for a penny to "ride the pony." I think it's code for something but I don't want to find out.

Wayne Cheeze!

Our Mission

Clown vs. Wolf is an exploration on why, when a clown and wolf fight, it is always the wolf that wins. This is universally true, even when clown is a Germanic Knife and Poison Clown - the deadliest Clown known to man.