Thursday, November 30, 2006

I am Enjoying Gary Busey’s Course at Harvard Extension

Prof. Busey teaches Early English History, and here is an excerpt of a particularly moving lecture:

“Battle of Hastings, man. The mud… it produced… LIFE! And the maggots can’t be stopped. And the fever of the Battle. The Battle of Hastings. It’s like the mud can’t be stopped.”

“Fly on, William the Conqueror. Fly on, young gentle-man.”

My only complaint is that we have been discussing the Battle of Hastings for the past 9 weeks.

And did I say Prof. Busey teaches at “Harvard Extension?” Sorry, I meant “my living room.”


Anonymous said...

I took that course in '92. Busey wasn't too focused. Point Break had just come out, and [SPOILER ALERT] Busey would go off about half-way through every lecture complaining about how Kathryn Bigelow made him die at the end of "Break Point." I guess that wasn't in the script originally. Anyway, Busey would start with the Tudors and such, railing about Anne Boleyn and then, at about 1:40, he'd get it mixed up, and call her Kathryn Boleyn and refer to the king as Keanu VIII. Oh, and he gave every lecture with a Nixon mask on.

Still, I learned quite a bit, and I wanted to get that in the course review. But when I asked Busey when he was going to let us fill those out, he burped in my face (through his Nixon mask) and walked away.

Greg Rice said...

Thanks for the feedback Telly. I'd ask the Prof his reaction to this (he's still here!) but I can't tear him away from screaming at the image of Gwen Iffil on PBS' Washington Week. Or maybe that is Beyonce?

Good news/Bad news: He has shed his Point Break persona, but is back to his "Mr. Joshua phase" one from Lethal Weapon One.

Anonymous said...

It must be Beyonce. Cheney shot Gwen Iffil in the face after she moderated the 2004 Vice Presidential debate. Said he thought she was a bird. This, of course, was episode one of the Extended Cheney Shooting Spree. I figure the next incident to be on Inauguration Day, 2008.

Chief Justice Roberts should announce himself clearly.

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